About Us

The Storymakers Dice

Storymakers Dice originated from a journey marked by profound loss, resilience, and the unexpected healing power of creativity. Eleven years ago, we experienced the sad loss of our daughter in childbirth. an unimaginable painful loss. This was a chapter of life no one should ever have to endure, but we faced our sorrow head-on and navigated through the tumultuous waves of grief as best as we could.
Amidst this whirlwind of emotions, I stumbled upon an unexpected lifeline – creative writing. It served as a therapeutic avenue, helping channel my suppressed feelings and embark on a healing journey. The art of crafting narratives and translating emotions into words became a powerful tool in navigating through grief.
For many years, I pondered on ways to help others. Then, during the summer of 2023, the idea of Storymakers Dice was born. I firmly believe that creative writing is not just a form of self-expression but also a pathway to healing, understanding, and self-discovery. My mission is to inspire individuals from all walks of life to explore their creativity, experience the healing power of storytelling, and find solace in the enchanting world that their imagination can construct. Each roll of the dice can unlock new narratives, providing an engaging and therapeutic way to explore emotions, grapple with sorrow, and celebrate joy. Whether you’re navigating personal trials, seeking a new creative outlet, or simply wishing to enjoy the art of storytelling, Storytellers Dice is here to guide and inspire. Join me on this journey of narrative exploration. Together, we’ll create stories that enlighten, entertain, educate, and, most importantly, heal.
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The Storymakers Dice